Greyson's Day at the Beach . . .

Greyson's Day at the Beach . . .
All Boys love mud and water!

Greyson's 1st Birthday . . .

Greyson's 1st Birthday . . .
Happy Birthday Baby Boy!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

One Amazing Dad! Happy Father's Day Darin!

Darin never ceases to amaze me! While I was pregnant with Greyson I tried to imagine what kind of mother I would be, as well as how Darin would adjust to being a daddy. I never imagined he would become as wonderful as he is. Don't get me wrong, I knew he would love our baby boy but I've seen some dads that are a little more "hands-off" for lack of a better term and thought maybe he would fall into that category of never changing diapers or feeding him...boy was I ever wrong! Darin and Greyson became best friends from the day he was born. I can remember watching the video of him touching Greyson's tiny hand in the recovery room calling him his little buddy and when I couldn't really move much after my c-section, he stepped right in to change his first diapers. It was so sweet to watch and it only gets sweeter with everyday they spend together. I have many moments as I leave for work in the morning and Darin is feeding Greyson and talking to him that I wish I could stay home. Greyson will wave to me now and reach for me when I'm trying to walk out the door and it gets harder and harder to go! Knowing he is with Darin and seeing how great he is with him makes it a little easier. He has his ways of rocking him to sleep to the sound of the sports channel or feeding him a bottle with one hand and driving with the other (I don't wanna know)....but he has his ways and they work. Rather than try to change them, I love him for it and more importantly Greyson loves him for it! He has become an amazing dad, who loves Greyson with all his heart.

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Greyson loves bathtime!
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